katherine.sh(8) Cloud / System / DevOps Engineer katherine.sh(8)

katherine.sh — cloud, system, and devops engineer

Software engineer with a specialization in Cloud Engineering, with a focus on Platform, Automation, and Site Reliability Engineering. Creating Cloud Native Systems with an IaC (Infrastructure as Code) and DevOps mindset.
Container Orchestration
Kubernetes (kubeadm, rancher/rke), Kustomize, Helm + Helmfile, Docker, Containerd, Cri-O, Podman + Buildah
Linux Systems
RHEL, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CoreOS, NixOS, Arch Linux...
Software Engineering
Python, Golang, Rust, Makefile
Grafana, Prometheus, Loki, Promtail, Netdata, Fluent-Bit
IPtables, firewalld, Wireguard, OpenVPN, AWS and GCP VPCs
KVM/QEMU/libvirt, Vagrant
Infrastructure as Code
Terraform, Ansible, Systemd, Python, Bash

resume / cvhttps://katherine.sh/resume.pdf
this websitehttps://gitlab.com/kitty.sh/me/kitty.sh-man.git
gitlab profilehttps://gitlab.com/kitty.sh/me
2022 katherine.sh